Thursday 27 September 2012

Running to stand still

As you can probably see it's been more than a week since my last post which probably gives some indication of what life has been like.  The IPM went well even though I hadn't prepared a code of practice (the list of all children on the SEN register) and we made good progress on detailing who, what & when things will happen.

I have now found out the truth about being a SENCO.  You begin a day with a list of things to do and by the end you realise that really all that's happened is that things on the list have not been done and more things have been added to the list!  The amount of meetings is enormous (but I realise necessary to get people and strategies in place) and then the workload from that meeting needs to be done. 

I am still in the process of writing up two annual reviews after being given some more pointers on my draft copies (and finding the corresponding documentation), beginning a proposed statement, finalising all the TA support and their corresponding work for afternoons to begin supporting children next week, chasing up parent paperwork before professionals can come in to observe and informing teachers of the things I have now put in place in the draft IEPs I have written in my head!! 

I would also like to say at this point I am also loving this role too.  Alleviating parents' concerns, worries, helping turn it around for children, be a campaigner for their concerns and needs does have its rewards and I do feel I am getting somewhere.  I'm also pleased that the many professionals I am meeting are also saying they're impressed with what I've done in such a short time.  So I'll just keep on running and report back when I have time to catch my breath!


  1. I do not know what a Senco is but that sounds very much like my day in Human Resources.

  2. I do not know what a Senco is but that sounds very much like my day in Human Resources.

  3. Kudos to you! Helping children is the best use of time. Never a moment a wasted.

  4. Kudos to you! Helping children is the best use of time. Never a moment a wasted.

  5. I will try not to double post here. I'm a retired teacher, having taught gr. 1-8, hating 5-8th. Loved teaching to non-English speakers; in fact loved teaching everything. Was also a curriculum creator/writer.
    Oh, how I miss teaching. Your experiences sound wonderful. Keep us all apprised as the year goes along.
    Thanks for stopping by my site!

  6. Helping children is indeed a very special and important thing. It means you have unique natural gifts. Congratulations.

  7. I'm not sure what a SENCO is, either, but your work sounds valuable and rewarding. Thanks for stopping by my blog. And please tell me what a SENCO is. :-)

  8. Glad you're continuing your valuable work to help others.
